
© Senatskanzlei / Jonas Walzberg

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Hamburg and Kyiv sign “Pact for Solidarity and the Future“

Dr. Vitali Klitschko, Mayor of the City of Kyiv, and Hamburg’s First Mayor, Dr. Peter Tschentscher, have signed a “Pact for Solidarity and the Future” today. They wish to start a strategic partnership between their cities and want to support each other in times of crisis.

In view of the humanitarian catastrophe due to Russia’s attacks violating international law, this pact focuses on the provision of support to Kyiv by Hamburg in the first place, states the agreement signed today.

The mayors appeal to all citizens, the companies and the civil society institutions of their cities to support this pact – during the current crisis and for the day when reconstruction in Ukraine can start.

The pact and the humanitarian help will be implemented with the support of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce and in cooperation with the initiative #WeAreAllUkrainians and the association Hanseatic Help.

In the second phase of the partnership, the mayors wish to strengthen the economic, cultural and social relationships in order to promote the reconstruction of the city of Kyiv and the further positive development of both cities. They consider the cooperation of their economic associations - in particular between the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce and its partners in Kyiv – as well as a project-related cooperation of scientific, cultural and educational institutions as very important.

Dr. Vitali Klitschko, Mayor of the City of Kyiv: “This is the most beautiful agreement in the world to me. This pact between the cities of Hamburg and Kyiv really means a lot to me. Our sports career once started here, I have lots of special memories of Hamburg. Today, the love and support that I could experience in Germany and especially in Hamburg have been confirmed impressively once again. We are in urgent need of this support. We fight for remaining a free city, a free country. Thank you very much for your help, Hamburg!”

Dr. Peter Tschentscher, First Mayor of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg: “The pact is a sign against Russia’s aggressive war and for our solidarity with Ukraine. Kyiv is the capital and seat of government of Ukraine and is thus of special importance for the resistance against Russia’s aggression and for the fight for peace and freedom in Europe. Thanks to the good direct contact with Mayor Vitali Klitschko, Hamburg can help in a targeted way and flexibly consider the respective most urgent needs for support. I appeal to all companies and citizens of our city to stand with the people in Ukraine during this major crisis and to support the Pact for Solidarity and the Future.”

Prof. Norbert Aust, President of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce: “Hamburg’s economy stands firmly and in solidarity with Ukraine. The great number of actions and the extraordinary commitment of many companies and their employees are impressive. The pact between the two cities establishes now an official and strong relationship between Kyiv and Hamburg, offers targeted help and is also a promise for the future. We long for the day when we finally do not need to talk about urgent humanitarian aid anymore, but launch reconstruction projects, intensify our trade relationships and take opportunities and initiatives for a successful future of Kyiv and Hamburg. Until then, the people in Ukraine need our help more than ever due to the war’s hardships and the enormous destruction. I appeal to all companies in Hamburg: Please help by providing donations and actions! Please fill the Pact for Solidarity and the Future with life!”

Dr. Iryna Tybinka, Consul General of Ukraine: “The Consulate General of Ukraine in Hamburg appreciates the initiative to conclude the Pact for Solidarity and the Future between the City of Kyiv and the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. It is of great importance that this new cooperation starting under the current circumstances does not only aim at the implementation of today’s tasks and the resolution of the current war-related problems, but also at the reconstruction of the city of Kyiv, the enhancement of the economic relationships and the promotion of a positive development of both cities after the war. I sincerely hope that other cities in Germany will follow the example of Hamburg and start partnerships with further Ukrainian cities.”

Companies in Hamburg are asked to actively support the initiative #WeAreAllUkrainians founded by Dr. Wladimir Klitschko and Tatjana Kiel by donating big quantities of goods such as non-perishable food items, water, medical items, candles, matches, etc. on unmixed pallets. It is recommended to coordinate and to announce these donations beforehand. Contact information can be found on the following website:

Citizens can hand over material donations to the association Hanseatic Help. At Große Elbstraße 264, woollen blankets, fleece blankets, sleeping bags, electric kettles and thermo containers (electric kettles and thermo containers only in mint condition) can be handed over from Tuesday to Saturday, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. The requests for donations can be found on the website; this information is continuously updated.


The City of Kyiv and the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg are big metropolises that look back on centuries rich of history. Both cities are located geographically advantageously on large rivers and have developed into strong economic centres. Both cities are also scientific, artistic and cultural centres of their respective country and fulfil important functions in their national states: Kyiv is the capital and the seat of government of Ukraine, and Hamburg as the economically strongest federal state in the Federal Republic of Germany ensures the world’s fourth-largest national economy’s access to the international markets through its port.

You can find the exact wording of the agreement as well as further information about the Pact for Solidarity and the Future on the following website: This website is continuously updated and also available in Ukrainian.

The cooperating partners use the hashtag #HamburgKyiv in social networks.

For media inquiries

Press office of the Senate
Marcel Schweitzer, spokesman of the Senate
+49 40 428 31 2242

Hamburg Chamber of Commerce
Kendra Schmidt, press spokeswoman
+49 40-36138-549

Astrid Wiedemeyer

Hanseatic Help e.V.
Michael Wopperer

Ukrainisch / Deutsch

© Senatskanzlei / Jonas Walzberg

Гамбург та Київ заключають «Пакт заради солідарності та майбутнього»

Міський голова Києва Віталій Кличко та Перший бургомістр Гамбурга Петер Ченчер підписали сьогодні «Пакт заради солідарності та майбутнього». Вони воліють започаткувати стратегічне партнерство між своїми містами та підтримувати одне одного у кризових ситуаціях.

© Senatskanzlei / Jonas Walzberg

Hamburg und Kyiv schließen „Pakt für Solidarität und Zukunft“

Der Bürgermeister von Kyiv Dr. Vitali Klitschko und Hamburgs Erster Bürgermeister Dr. Peter Tschentscher haben einen „Pakt für Solidarität und Zukunft“ unterzeichnet. Sie wollen eine strategische Partnerschaft zwischen ihren Städten gründen und sich in Krisenzeiten gegenseitig unterstützen.

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